ClickCease Commercial Surety Bonds | License and Permit Bonds

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Apply for a Commercial, License and Permit Bond


Commercial, License and Permit Bonds


Contact Us: (917) 268-2729

Longdi Surety Insurance Company offers a wide range of commercial bonds for individuals and companies supporting many industries.  Below are some of the more popular commercial bonds we offer. For a complete list of commercial bonds we offer in your state, please select “Types of Bonds Provided in Each State” below.                       


Car Dealership

Contractor's Non-Resident Tax Bonds

Electricians & Plumbers

License and Permit Bonds

Lost Instrument and Lost stock certificate Bonds

Lost Title Bonds

Lottery Bonds

Mortgage Broker / Lender Bonds

Nail Salon Bonds

Power Company Utilities Bond

Private Investigator Bonds

School Tuition Bonds


(917) 268-2729



New York

28 Pinelawn Road, Suite 201C

Melville, New York 1177

(917) 268-2729

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